Writing, being an author, wasn’t something I took seriously until one day I realized I continued to form a series of stories in my head. What was I doing? I didn’t have time or the inclination to sit down and write a novel. I had three kids which meant I was a sports mom, a good cheerleader and short-order cook. There was no internet then, no easy way to sit down and write. And a historical? Come on! I had uniforms to wash, food to put on the table and a schedule to maintain. Writing was out of the question.
The tug to write wouldn’t go away. I ignored it. I pretended I didn’t have characters in my head doing things I made up. I sat on bleachers watching games and other parents, all the time wondering…what are they thinking about? Are they back in the 1800s working out the problems of a frontier woman?
My Being Inspired page is a reminder for me and perhaps inspiration for you to simply start. Start and see what happens. When I went back to school, most of my professors called me, ‘mother of three.’ They encouraged me to step out and see what I could do. My English professor decided I needed to enter their yearly contest for aspiring writers. One went so far as to hand me the form. As simple as those days were, they nudged me to keep going. And I did, at a piddly pace.
My first novel wasn’t published until my youngest was out of college. Something I started in the 1980s came to fruition in 2004. Procrastination is the only answer I have for such slow progress.
One of my favorite jobs over the years has been the Youth Director at our local library. I have enjoyed running programs and watching kids grow excited about reading. It’s been a fascinating time for me for seventeen years. This summer I retired, and I still miss the chaos, the high-energy of the events we had. Oh, the stories I would write for children…maybe soon!
I have my own chaos too, in the name of grandkids. They are an ever source of fun and craziness. We are a rowdy bunch and I take great pride being an influence in their lives. Our grandson Colton won a writing award in kindergarten. He asked me to go with him to the writers’ conference for kids. He could only take one person, and he asked me. So, my cheerleading days continue…which energizes me to continue on my path as a writer.
Watch for my new sci-fi series. A romance with quirky characters and a fast-paced plot.